This endpoint is in BETA and only available to select partners

The Interaccount Securities Transfer endpoint can be used by a WLC to move positions between two accounts of the same client, or between two accounts belonging to different clients, as long as these fall within the hierarchy of the WLC.

The reference documentation can be found here: Interaccount Securities Transfer Reference Documentation

Requesting a Securities Transfer

To request a securities transfer, make a request to the 'atr/v1/securitiestransfers/interaccounttransfer':

  "AssetType": "Stock",
  "BeneficialOwnershipChange": "NCBO",
  "FromAccountKey": "2xhkV5tho93EfBeW|ycI-w==",
  "Price": 10,
  "Quantity": 2,
  "ToAccountKey": "NEdkE4b|88XXJe1mKxmdYOKfL9lGyWH0tlyNT8A41Ho=",
  "TransferType": "New",
  "Uic": 328,
  "UniqueReference": "t0001"

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  "UniqueReference": "t0001"

The UniqueReference provided on the request has to be unique across all transfers requested within the last X weeks, and this will service as the primary identifier for the requested transfer.

Checking status of a securities transfer

Once a transfer request has been successfully placed, it will be processed by Saxo. To check on the latest status for the transfer request, you can use the status endpoint to fetch the current state based on the UniqueReference:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "AssetType": "Stock",
  "BeneficialOwnershipChange": "NCBO",
  "CompleteTime": "2023-06-23T16:01:13.613Z",
  "FromAccountKey": "dIm75edbgnW6aBK3CIc-sw==",
  "Price": 10.0,
  "Quantity": 2,
  "RequestTime": "2023-06-20T12:13:45.522Z",
  "Status": "Completed",
  "ToAccountKey": "dIm75edbgnW6aBK3CIc-sw==",
  "TransferType": "New",
  "Uic": 328,
  "UniqueReference": "t0001"