Messages to indicate events related to corporate actions.

Additional Fields

AmountDecimalThe total settled positions of the instrument.When CANotificationType = Payment
AssetTypeAssetTypeIdentifies the instrument, together with the Uic.Always.



Represents corporate action notification type. Supported types are:

  • Announcement:  Corporate action announced.
  • Update:  Corporate action updated.
  • Payment:  Corporate action payment.



The corporate action type. Supported types are:

  • Voluntary
  • Mandatory


CurrencyStringThe currency of dividend received.When CANotificationType = Payment
Deadline.DateDateLast day the customer can choose between Stock, or Cash dividend.When CorporateActionType = Voluntary

The resolution in which e.g. a price must be displayed.

Positive numbers are represents digits, and negative numbers represent fractions using this formula: 1/(2^x).

When field group "DisplayAndFormat" is requested.
DisplayAndFormat.DescriptionStringDescription of instrument (DAX Index - Nov 2023), in English.When field group "DisplayAndFormat" is requested.
DisplayAndFormat.SymbolStringA combination of letters used to uniquely identify a traded instrument. e.g. ALFEN:xams.When field group "DisplayAndFormat" is requested.
Effective.DateDateDate at which an event is officially effective from the issuer's perspective.
EUTaxAmountDecimalThe amount of EU tax paid.
  • When CANotificationType = Payment
  • When tax is applicable.
EventIdStringCorporate action event id.Always.

The corporate action event. Possible values are:

  • Unknown: Unknown event status
  • Preliminary: Preliminary event announcement
  • Confirmed: Confirmed event announcement
  • Approved: Approved event announcement
  • Withdrawn: Withdrawn event



Code of the CA. You can display the EventType.Description for meaning of the event.

Some common codes (see CAEventTypes in the EOD field descriptions for complete list with meaning):

  • SPLF: Stock split.
  • SPLR: Reverse stock split.
  • DVOP: Dividend option.
  • DVSE: Stock dividend.
  • DVCA: Cash dividend.
  • SHPR: Shares premium (Cash dividend).
  • CAPG: Cash dividend payment is allocated.
  • CAPD: Capital distribution.
  • EXRI: Call on rights.
  • RHDI: Rights distribution.
  • CHAN: Change of instrument, mostly only informational.
  • CONV: Conversion.
  • PRIO: Offer for existing shareholders.
  • INTR: Interest.
  • TNDP: Tax on non-distributed proceeds.
  • REDM: Final maturity.
  • MCAL: Full call-early redemption.
  • PRED: Partial redemption with reduction of pool factor.
  • EXOF: Exchange.
  • PARI: Pari-Passu.
  • BPUT: Put redemption.
  • BONU: Bonus or capitalization issue.
  • DRCA: Cash distribution after sale of non-eligible securities.
  • DRIP: Dividend reinvestment.
  • ACCU: Accumulation.
  • LIQU: Liquidation.
  • MRGR: Merger.
  • PLAC: Amendment of companies place of incorporation.
  • SOFF: Spin-off.
  • TEND: Tender offer.
  • BIDS: Repurchase offer.
  • DETI: Detachment.
  • DTCH: Dutch auction (bid tender).
  • DLST: Trading status: Delisted.
  • SUSP: Trading status: Suspended.
  • EXWA: Warrant exercise.
  • DECR: Decrease in value.
  • WRTH: Instrument became worthless.
  • OTHR: Something else. See accompanying narrative.

EventType.DescriptionStringDescribes the type of CA.
EventType.NameStringDescription of the Code.
Ex.DateDateExecution date of event.
FeeAmountDecimalThe fee paid.When CANotificationType = Payment
OutcomeUicIntUic of the OutcomeUic-instrument.When CANotificationType = Payment

ReinvestmentPriceDecimalPrice at which to reinvest.
ResidencyTaxDecimalThe amount of Residency tax paid.When CANotificationType = Payment
TotalTaxDecimalThe total tax paid.When CANotificationType = Payment
UicIntIdentifies the instrument, together with the AssetType.Always

Sample message:

An example for corporate action event message:

// Announcement
      "AccountId": "79880/100229",
      "AccountKey": "suLphWGhWJStl2ZAKs4uMw==",
      "ActivityTime": "2022-02-23T12:10:23.950000Z",
      "ActivityType": "CorporateActions",
      "AssetType": "Stock",
      "CANotificationType": "Announcement",
      "ClientId": "32155111",
      "ClientKey": "O|AQOruxq|xa3lX7MkaR5Q==",
      "CorporateActionType": "Voluntary",
      "Effective": {
        "Date": "2022-03-15"
      "EventId": "8857172",
      "EventState": "Approved",
      "EventType": {
        "Code": "EXRI",
        "Description": "Shareholders can exercise intermediate securities resulting from a distribution. ... instructions.",
        "Name": "Call on Intermediate Securities"
      "Ex": {
        "Date": "2022-03-15"
      "SequenceId": "575329843",
      "Uic": 30309

// Update
      "AccountId": "79880/100173",
      "AccountKey": "Xd7fcWDaHNRQ3D6OI6HROw==",
      "ActivityTime": "2022-02-25T04:39:07.673333Z",
      "ActivityType": "CorporateActions",
      "AssetType": "Stock",
      "CANotificationType": "Update",
      "ClientId": "32155104",
      "ClientKey": "6ftDrPneWCeGkOCan0J|cA==",
      "CorporateActionType": "Voluntary",
      "Deadline": {
        "Date": "2022-03-17T00:00:00.000000Z"
      "Effective": {
        "Date": "2022-03-15"
      "EventId": "8857172",
      "EventState": "Approved",
      "EventType": {
        "Code": "EXRI",
        "Description": "Shareholders can exercise intermediate securities resulting from a distribution. ... instructions.",
        "Name": "Call on Intermediate Securities"
      "Ex": {
        "Date": "2022-03-15"
      "SequenceId": "575390196",
      "Uic": 30309

// Payment
  	  "AccountId": "79880/101272",
      "AccountKey": "agV2fmhnpa|Tptp522Qufw==",
      "ActivityTime": "2022-02-17T03:01:15.350000Z",
      "ActivityType": "CorporateActions",
      "Amount": 2500,
      "AssetType": "Stock",
      "CANotificationType": "Payment",
      "ClientId": "32155294",
      "ClientKey": "ZRsWHUEjJqsrzDPAIvegCA==",
      "CorporateActionType": "Mandatory",
      "Currency": "SGD",
      "Deadline": {
        "Date": "2022-02-16T00:00:00.000000Z"
      "EventId": "8856743",
      "EventState": "Approved",
      "EventType": {
        "Code": "SPLR",
        "Description": "Decrease in the number of outstanding shares. Equity price and nominal value of shares are increased accordingly.",
        "Name": "Reverse Stock Split"
      "Ex": {
        "Date": "2022-02-16"
      "Payment": {
        "Date": "2022-02-16"
      "SequenceId": "575212977",
      "Uic": 26380