Get a price snapshot for a multi-leg strategy
Gets a single price snapshot for a multi-leg strategy using the specified parameters.
POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/multileg
Create a price subscription on a multi-leg strategy
Sets up an active price subscription on a multi-leg strategy and returns an initial snapshot of the most recent price.
POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/multileg/subscriptions
Remove a multi-leg price subscriptions
Removes a multi-leg price subscriptions for the current session. If the optional tag argument is supplied then only subscriptions with given tag will be removed.
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/multileg/subscriptions/{ContextId}?Tag={Tag}
Remove a multi-leg price subscription
Removes an multi-leg price subscription for the current session.
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/multileg/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}
Create a price subscription on an instrument
Sets up an active price subscription on an instrument and returns an initial snapshot of the most recent price.
POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/subscriptions
Remove multiple instrument price subscriptions
Removes multiple instrument price subscriptions for the current session. If the optional tag argument is supplied then only subscriptions with given tag will be removed.
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/subscriptions/{ContextId}?Tag={Tag}
Remove an instrument price subscription
Removes an instrument price subscription for the current session.
DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}
Request margin impact on one price update
Request margin impact to come on one of the next following price updates.
This will make a margin impact calculation, and send the result in the next possible price update, however only one impact calculation will be done per call.
PUT https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/trade/v1/prices/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}/MarginImpact