Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description ContextId String Route Context for the streaming connection. ReferenceId String Route Unique id of the subscription. -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesThere are no response parameters
Streaming Response Parameters
Name Type Description Data PriceResponse The type of data transported by the DomainEvent instance (e.g. price update, position list update etc.). PartitionNumber Integer The partition number if this DomainEvent is a partition. ReferenceId String Client specified id, which is sent back to the client with every data update. Timestamp UtcDateTime The UTC date and time of the event. TotalPartitions Integer The total number of partitions if this DomainEvent is a partition. -
Request Example
Request URL
PUT /trade/v1/prices/subscriptions/20160204125301453/TP340/MarginImpact
Streaming Response Example
Response body