Error Code |
Description |
ActiveFollowerCannotChangeOrderManually |
An active trade follower is not allowed to change order manually. |
AlreadyPendingCancelReplace |
Request to Cancel or Replace order already send |
AmendmentsNotSupportedInBreakSession |
Amendments not supported in break session |
AmountBelowMinimumLotSize |
Order size is below the minimum exchange lot size. |
AmountCannotBeLessThanFilledAmount |
Amount cannot be less than filled amount. |
AmountChangeNotAllowedWhenAmountIsInAllocationUnitKey |
Changing amount not allowed when amount is in allocation unit key. |
AmountNotInLotSize |
Order size is not a valid exchange lot order size. |
BlocksExistForOwnedContracts |
The block exists for the owned contract. |
BreakoutUpPriceCannotBeLessThanDownPrice |
Breakout up price cannot be less than down price. |
BrokerOption |
Broker Option |
ClientExposureLimitation |
Trade would exceed client exposure limitation |
ClientNotEnabledForExtendedTradingHours |
Client is not enabled for trading in extended trading hours. |
ClientOnReduceForcedExposureReductionViolation |
Client is on Reduce group type. Exposure cannot be increased. |
ClosingPositionNotAllowedForMultiDayExecutionOrder |
Position resulting from multi-day order execution does not support explicit closing order. Please place standalone closing order (non related to position) |
ClosingPositionNotAllowedOnJointExecutionModel |
Closing a position is not allowed for Trade Leaders. |
ConditionDurationNotSupported |
Condition duration not supported for this asset type |
ConditionOnWrongSideOfMarket |
Condition price is on wrong side of market |
ConditionPriceExceedsAggressiveTolerance |
Condition price exceeds aggressive tolerance |
ConditionTooFarFromMarket |
Condition limit price is too far from market |
ContactExposureLimitation |
Contact level exposure limit exceeded |
CouldNotCompleteRequest |
Could not complete request. |
CrossCurrencyOrderOnMarginLendingAccountNotAllowed |
Cross Currency order not supported for MarginLending Account |
ExplicitCloseNotAllowedForIntradayNetting |
Closing a position is not allowed when real-time netting is enabled. |
ExtendedHoursTradingCannotBeChanged |
Value of Extended trading hours cannot be changed. |
ForceOpenNotAllowed |
Force Open is not allowed |
IllegalAccount |
Illegal Account |
IllegalAmount |
Illegal amount |
IllegalDate |
Illegal Date |
IllegalOrderTypeChange |
Illegal order type change |
IllegalStrike |
Illegal strike price |
IncorrectValuationTypeAndNettingMethod |
ValuationType(yield based/yield based with coupon) and 'average netting method' order cannot placed. |
InstrumentDisabledForTrading |
Trading is disabled for the instrument |
InstrumentForcedExposureReductionViolation |
Exposure cannot be increased due to instrument configuration. |
InstrumentNotSupportedForExtendedHours |
If Extended trading hours is not configured for given instrument. |
InsufficientCash |
Insufficient cash for trade |
InsufficientCash_CausedByOvernightAddOn |
You have insufficient cash to make this trade. Consider placing limit order instead. |
InvalidAllocationKeyUsed |
Order or trade placed with an allocationkey thats marked as inactive or deleted |
InvalidModelState |
One or more properties of the request are invalid! |
InvalidOrderRelation |
Invalid order relation. |
InvalidRequest |
Invalid request. |
InvalidValueDate |
Invalid value date |
LimitOrderHigherStopOnSell |
Not allowed to change price of limit order higher than price of related stop order |
LimitOrderLowerThenStopOnBuy |
Not allowed to change price of limit order lower than price of related stop order |
LimitTooFarFromStop |
Limit price is too far away from stop price |
MarketClosed |
Market is closed |
NotPrimarySession |
Operation not allowed, due to not being in Primary session mode. |
NotSuitable |
The order has been rejected because the instrument is not currently suitable for you or because a suitability test has not been taken. |
NotTradableAtPresent |
Not tradable at present |
OnWrongSideOfMarket |
Order price is on wrong side of market |
OnlyLimitOrderAllowedForExtendedHours |
In case of extended hours order, the OrderType must be limit. |
OptionExerciseAfterCutoff |
Exercise not allowed after exercise cut-off time or on last trading day or later |
OptionExerciseNotAllowedDueExDateOfUpcomingCorporateActionOnInstrument |
Option exercise not allowed day before expiry date of upcoming corporate action on this instrument. |
OrderCannotBeChangedAtThisTime |
Order cannot be changed at this time |
OrderCommandPending |
Your order request is pending broker confirmation. Confirmation is still possible. |
OrderCommandTimeout |
Your order request timed out. Please try again. |
OrderExceedsMarketLimitUpDownTolerance |
Order price exceeds current price limits on the market. |
OrderNotFound |
Requested order id not found |
OrderNotSupportedForAccountType |
Order is not supported for MarginLending Account |
OrderRelatedPositionMissMatch |
Order does not match related position |
OrderSizeGreaterThanMaximumAllowed |
Order Size is greater than the maximum allowed order size. |
OrderValueToSmall |
Order value must be above the minimum order value for this exchange |
OrderValueTooLarge |
Order value is too large |
OtherError |
OtherError. |
PriceExceedsAggressiveTolerance |
Price exceeds aggressive tolerance |
PriceNotInTickSizeIncrements |
Order price is not in tick size increments |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedForInstrument |
Related orders are not supported for this instrument. |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedForIpo |
Related orders are not supported for eIPO. |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedForShortLived |
Related orders are not supported for short lived orders. |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedOnChildOrder |
Related orders are not allowed on allocated child orders. |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedOnMultiLegPartialFilled |
Related order on a partial filled multi-leg position is not allowed. |
RelatedOrderNotAllowedOnTrailingStopOrder |
Related orders are not allowed on trailing stop order. |
RelatedPositionAlreadyHasImplicitClosingOrders |
The related position already has implicit closing orders. |
RelatedPositionAlreadyHasRelatedOrderType |
Related position already has a related order of this type. |
RelatedPositionAlreadyHasRelatedOrders |
The related position already has related orders. |
ShortTradeDisabled |
Trading Short for selected instrument disabled |
StopOrderLowerLimitOnSell |
Not allowed to change price of stop order lower than price of related limit order |
TooCloseToMarket |
Guaranteed stop is too close to market |
TooCloseToOcoRelatedOrderPrice |
Order price is too close to OCO related order price |
TooFarFromMarket |
Limit price is too far from market |
TooLateToChangeOrder |
Too late to change order |
WouldExceedMargin |
Trade would exceed margin limits |
WouldExceedMarginCeiling |
Would exceed margin ceiling |
WouldExceedMaxCreditLine |
Trade would exceed available max credit (collateral) line utilization. |
WouldExceedMaxCreditLineLimit |
Trade would exceed available max credit (collateral) line limit. |
WrongSideOfRelatedOrder |
Order price is on wrong side of related order. |