Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String Unique key identifying the account used in retrieving the infoprice. Only required when calling context represents an authenticated user. If not supplied a default account is assumed.
    Amount Number Query-String Order size, defaults to minimal order size for given instrument.
    AmountType OrderAmountType Query-String
    AssetType AssetType Query-String The instrument's asset type
    FieldGroups InfoPriceGroupSpec [] Query-String Specification of field groups to return in results. Default is "Quote"
    ForwardDate UtcDateTime Query-String Forward date
    ForwardDateFarLeg UtcDateTime Query-String Forward date for far leg
    ForwardDateNearLeg UtcDateTime Query-String Forward date for near leg
    OrderAskPrice Number Query-String Order ask price. When specified, a corresponding cost of buying will be calculated for that price; otherwise the current market ask price will be used.
    OrderBidPrice Number Query-String Order bid price. When specified, a corresponding cost of selling will be calculated for that price; otherwise the current market bid price will be used.
    QuoteCurrency Boolean Query-String
    ToOpenClose ToOpenClose Query-String
    Uics String Query-String A comma separated list of Uics.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data InfoPriceResponse [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /trade/v1/infoprices/list?AccountKey=01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86&Amount=10&AmountType=Quantity&AssetType=CertificateOtherYieldEnhancement&FieldGroups=PriceInfoDetails&ForwardDate=2021-05-21&ForwardDateFarLeg=2021-05-21&ForwardDateNearLeg=2021-05-21&OrderAskPrice=10&OrderBidPrice=10&QuoteCurrency=False&ToOpenClose=ToOpen&Uics=stringValue
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "Data": [
          "AssetType": "FxSpot",
          "DisplayAndFormat": {
            "Currency": "AUD",
            "Decimals": 4,
            "Description": "British Pound/Australian Dollar",
            "Format": "AllowDecimalPips",
            "OrderDecimals": 4,
            "Symbol": "GBPAUD"
          "HistoricalChanges": {
            "PercentChange1Month": 1.21,
            "PercentChange2Months": 2.95,
            "PercentChange3Months": 1.85,
            "PercentChange6Months": -1.83,
            "PercentChangeDaily": 0.22,
            "PercentChangeWeekly": 1.67
          "InstrumentPriceDetails": {
            "IsMarketOpen": true,
            "ShortTradeDisabled": false,
            "ValueDate": "2017-05-19T00:00:00Z"
          "LastUpdated": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "PriceInfo": {
            "High": 1.09117,
            "Low": 1.08853,
            "NetChange": 0.00048,
            "PercentChange": 0.04
          "PriceInfoDetails": {
            "AskSize": 1000000,
            "BidSize": 1000000,
            "LastClose": 1.08932,
            "LastTraded": 0,
            "LastTradedSize": 0,
            "Open": 0,
            "Volume": 0
          "Quote": {
            "Amount": 100000,
            "Ask": 1.74948,
            "Bid": 1.74858,
            "DelayedByMinutes": 15,
            "ErrorCode": "None",
            "Mid": 1.74903,
            "PriceTypeAsk": "Indicative",
            "PriceTypeBid": "Indicative"
          "Uic": 22
          "AssetType": "FxSpot",
          "DisplayAndFormat": {
            "Currency": "CAD",
            "Decimals": 4,
            "Description": "British Pound/Canadian Dollar",
            "Format": "AllowDecimalPips",
            "OrderDecimals": 4,
            "Symbol": "GBPCAD"
          "InstrumentPriceDetails": {
            "IsMarketOpen": true,
            "ShortTradeDisabled": false,
            "ValueDate": "2017-05-19T00:00:00Z"
          "LastUpdated": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Quote": {
            "Amount": 100000,
            "Ask": 1.76278,
            "Bid": 1.76198,
            "DelayedByMinutes": 15,
            "ErrorCode": "None",
            "Mid": 1.76238,
            "PriceTypeAsk": "Indicative",
            "PriceTypeBid": "Indicative"
          "Uic": 23