Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String Optional account key to filter out allocation keys.
    ClientKey ClientKey Query-String Client key for which allocation keys are to be returned.
    IncludeSubClients Boolean Query-String To indicate whether to include allocation keys for sub clients. Default is true.
    Statuses AllocationKeyStatus Query-String Comma separated list of statuses for keys to include. Default is "Active".
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data AllocationKeySummary [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /trade/v1/allocationkeys?$skip=1&$top=1&AccountKey=ValidAccountKey&ClientKey=ValidClientKey&IncludeSubClients=True&Statuses=Active,OneTime
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "Data": [
          "AllocationKeyId": "227",
          "AllocationKeyName": "MyAllocation_Key",
          "AssetType": "CfdOnStock",
          "BuySell": "Buy",
          "CreationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "ExternalReference": "Order123",
          "IsValid": false,
          "OwnerAccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
          "Participants": 0,
          "Status": "Active",
          "TotalUnitValues": 100,
          "Uic": 4361
          "AllocationKeyId": "227_2",
          "AllocationKeyName": "MyAllocation_Key_2",
          "CreationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "IsValid": false,
          "OwnerAccountKey": "LZTc7DdejXODf-WSl2aCyQ==",
          "Participants": 0,
          "Status": "OneTime",
          "TotalUnitValues": 100