CSV File Upload For BulkBookings
This endpoint would allow WLCs to book trades using external Instruments via uploading a CSV File. The given endpoint asynchronously uploads the file and the booking's status can be retrieved later through other Get endpoints.
Note :
Please upload single bulk booking file with.csv extension and max file size should not be greater than 15MB or max 200,000 record in single file.
Refer the below column headers Name and Type and their order, Also please ensure to align the column and records in the specified order.
Data/headers column should exactly match with the specified columns list.
Each file upload to be tagged with a Booking Reference ID for future use.
File name should be unique and multiple file uploads are not supported.
Only WLC/WLP/Partner/IB allowed to upload file on its client's behalf.
Details for CSV File Headers/Columns:
BookingDate (Utcdatetime) - BookingDate(format: "MM-dd-yyyy") cannot be in the past, must be today or in the future.
UIC (Integer) - Unique Id of the instrument.
AssetType (Enum) - Supported Asset Types: PortfolioNote, GuaranteeNote.
PartnerBookingType (String) - Supported Booking Types: CashPostingPositive, CashPostingNegative, ProviderCost, AdministrationCost, Correction, OtherFees, OtherPostings, Return, AccruedProviderCost, AccruedAdministrativeCost, AccruedReturn, AccruedReturnInPCT, AccruedProvidedCostInPCT, AccruedAdministrationCostInPCT, TotalPNLInPCT.
BookingText (String) - Allowed max up to 200 characters.
Amount (Decimal) - Any amount (negative, positive or zero).
AccountId (String) - Account for clients of the logged in WLC/IB.
PartnerAccountId (String) - Account for the logged in WLC/IB.
ExternalReference (string) - ExternalReference is an optional external identifier for the amount to be booked. It will be reflected back to the partner in EOD files.
POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/partnerintegration/v1/bulkbookings
Get the overall status of bookings uploaded via CSV file
Get the overall status of the uploaded CSV file after its published successfully.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/partnerintegration/v1/bulkbookings/{RequestReferenceNumber}/status
Get details/validation status for booking using RequestReferenceNumber
Get the bulk booking validation status for all records in CSV file :
- Validation Status : Working, Failed and Success.
- Validation error code and description with row numbers.
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/partnerintegration/v1/bulkbookings/{RequestReferenceNumber}/validations