Get Portfolio report for the accounts of a specified client
Get Portfolio report for the accounts of a specified client.
This report is available in the following formats:
To request a PDF format, please set the 'Accept' header on your request as follows:
- For PDF : application/pdf
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/cr/v1/reports/Portfolio/{ClientKey}/{FromDate}/{ToDate}?AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&IncludeYTDInformation={IncludeYTDInformation}&OptionalReportSections={OptionalReportSections}
Get Portfolio report for the logged in user
Get Portfolio report for the logged in user.
This report is available in the following formats:
To request a PDF format, please set the 'Accept' header on your request as follows:
- For PDF : application/pdf
GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/cr/v1/reports/Portfolio/me/{FromDate}/{ToDate}?AccountGroupKey={AccountGroupKey}&AccountKey={AccountKey}&IncludeYTDInformation={IncludeYTDInformation}&OptionalReportSections={OptionalReportSections}