
  • Get list of brokers for the given ISO Country Code

    Get list of brokers for the given ISO Country Code

    GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/atr/v1/securitiestransfers/brokers?CountryCode={CountryCode}

  • Get details of an Inter Account Security Transfer Request

    Get inter account security transfer details by unique reference.

    GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/atr/v1/securitiestransfers/interaccounttransfer?UniqueReference={UniqueReference}

  • Submit Inter Account Security Transfer Request

    Submit request to transfer a security between two client accounts.

    POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/atr/v1/securitiestransfers/interaccounttransfer

  • Get list of Security Transfers executed by client based on list of comma separated transfer ids.

    Get list of Security Transfers executed by client based on list of comma separated transfer ids.

    GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/atr/v1/securitiestransfers/transfers?ClientKey={ClientKey}&TransferIds={TransferIds}

  • Submit Securities Transfer Request

    Submit the list of securities, which the client wants transferred in or out of Saxo Bank.

    If list of securities in the transfer are accepted the service will return "201 Created" and the response will contain the actual transfer result for the transaction

    If one or more securities in the list are not accepted, the service will return bad request and fail complete transaction

    POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/atr/v1/securitiestransfers/transfers