Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    Amount Number Body The value that will be transacted.
    Comment String Body Comment to the transaction. The comment will be seen in the EOD files.
    Currency String Body Currency in which the cash movement will be held in. This is essentially just an extra check! The currency entered here must be the same as that of the funding account and the clients trading account.
    ExternalReference String Body Caller may add this to identify the request.
    FromAccountKey AccountKey Body Account from where the cash is moved from. For funding transactions, this field will hold the AccountKey of the funding account. For withdrawal transactions this field will hold the AccountKey of the clients trading account. Remember that the currency of the funding account and the clients trading account must be the same.
    FundingCheck FundingCheck Body Specify this to specify if funding rules be checked and enforced. Default is "Enforce". Enforce: All margin and funding checks will be performed and enforced.The transaction will fail if margin and funding checks are not passed. Ignore: No margin or funding checks are performed.The operation will move the specified monies from the client account and you can ultimately place the clients accounts into negative. You can only specify FundingCheck:Ignore for a cash withdrawal from a clients trading account back to the WLC's funding account. If you specify FundingCheck:Ignore for a funding from the WLC's funding account to the clients trading account, the call will fail.
    ToAccountKey AccountKey Body Account where the cash is moved to. For funding transactions, this field will hold the AccountKey of the clients trading account. For withdrawal transactions this field will hold the AccountKey of the WLCs funding account. Remember that the currency of the funding account and the clients trading account must be the same.
    ValueDate UtcDateTime Body Value Date of settlement of cash transfer. Must be within the range [-90;90] days of current date.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    FromAccountPositionId String The id of the cash position created on the "from" account.
    ToAccountPositionId String The id of the cash position created on the "to" account.
    TransactionId String Id of the transaction done.
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    POST /atr/v1/partner/cashtransfers
    Request Body
      "Amount": 10000,
      "Comment": "Transferring from funding account 33000/FEUR",
      "Currency": "EUR",
      "ExternalReference": "789456",
      "FromAccountKey": "-gh-xomNFSNUYdRL0KrPpg==",
      "FundingCheck": "Enforce",
      "ToAccountKey": "y3kFQWkqJYMgOgaxcoqshA==",
      "ValueDate": "2025-03-04T05:42:00.253537Z"
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "FromAccountPositionId": "1267",
      "ToAccountPositionId": "1268",
      "TransactionId": "1269"