Endpoint Parameters
Request parameters
Name Type Origin Description AccountKey AccountKey Query-String If specified, will only return entries pertaining to the specified account. ClientKey ClientKey Query-String If specified, will only return entries pertaining to the specified client. ExternalReference String Query-String Include entries with the specified ExternalReference. FromDateTime String Query-String Only include entries with a TransferRequestedOn value greater than or equal to FromDateTime. SkipToken String Query-String Id token of entity to start taking elements from. ToDateTime String Query-String Only include entries with a TransferRequestedOn value lower than or equal to ToDateTime. Top Integer Query-String Number of elements to retrieve. (Default is 50, Max is 1000.) -
Response Parameters
View Response CodesName Type Description __count Number The total count of items in the feed. __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed. Data TransferResult [] The collection of entities for this feed. MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable). -
Request Example
Request URL
GET /atr/v1/partner/cashtransfers?AccountKey=dIm75edbgnW6aBK3CIc-sw==&ClientKey=zpSlGZ4F0cPIx59wR3HP1g==&ExternalReference=stringValue&FromDateTime=2027-02-14T12:33:48.5684816&SkipToken=stringValue&ToDateTime=2027-02-14T12:33:48.5684816&Top=99
Response Example
Response body
{ "Data": [ { "Amount": 10000, "Comment": "Transferring from funding account 33000/FEUR", "Currency": "EUR", "ExternalReference": "789456", "FromAccount": "-gh-xomNFSNUYdRL0KrPpg==", "FromAccountPositionId": "1267", "FundingCheck": "Enforce", "ToAccount": "y3kFQWkqJYMgOgaxcoqshA==", "ToAccountPositionId": "1268", "TransactionId": "1269", "TransferRequestedOn": "2025-03-04T05:42:00.283198Z", "TransferStatus": "Successful", "ValueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ] }