Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Body The account identifier in key format from which to transfer money.
    Amount Number Body The amount to be withdrawn.
    BeneficiaryInstructionId String Body Id of the beneficiary instruction to be used for the withdrawal
    Currency CurrencyCode Body The currency of amount.
    EndByDate String Body Determines when the recurring payments would be stopped, when left blank, the recurring payment would be marked never ending.
    MessageToBeneficiary String Body For MT103 type messages this is a free text field information to one of the parties involved in the transaction in a structured format.
    PeriodicPaymentId Integer Route
    RecurrenceType PeriodicScheduleTypes Body Specifies the frequency of recurring payment.
    StartDate String Body Specifies when the actual payment should be started. It also detemines which day would be used for different frequencies i.e. Daily, Weekly etc.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes

    There are no response parameters

  • Request Example

    Request URL
    PUT /atr/v1/cashmanagement/periodicpayment/{PeriodicPaymentId}
    Request Body
      "AccountKey": "dIm75edbgnW6aBK3CIc-sw==",
      "Amount": 10,
      "BeneficiaryInstructionId": "stringValue",
      "Currency": "GBP",
      "EndByDate": "2026-02-17T14:49:19.15257Z",
      "MessageToBeneficiary": "stringValue",
      "RecurrenceType": "Daily",
      "StartDate": "2023-07-29T17:48:05.448082Z"