Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountId String Body The account that owns this price alert definition.
    AlertDefinitionId Integer Route Alert definition id to update.
    AssetType AssetType Body The type of instrument that this alert is monitoring.
    Comment String Body An optional comment associated with the price alert definition. The maximum supported length of the string is 128 characters.
    ExpiryDate UtcDateTime Body The UTC date and time that the price alert definition will expire and then be removed from the system. The date and time is specified in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and should be formatted as "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ".
    IsExtendedHours Boolean Body An optional flag to indicate if price alert definition is valid in extended hours trading. Default will be set to false.
    IsRecurring Boolean Body Is the alert only triggered once or will the alerts keep recurring until the alert expires.
    Operator PriceAlertComparisonOperator Body The boolean operator used to compare the current price with the defined value.
    PriceVariable PriceVariable Body The aspect of the price that is being monitored.
    State PriceAlertDefinitionState Body A price alert definition can be enabled, disabled or suspended. RecentlyTriggered is used for recurring alerts, so that they don't trigger constantly once the condition has been met.
    TargetValue Number Body The value that the current price is compared to.
    Uic Integer Body Universal Instrument Code (UIC).
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes

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  • Request Example

    Request URL
    PUT /vas/v1/pricealerts/definitions/30834
    Request Body
      "AccountId": "13457INET",
      "AssetType": "FxSpot",
      "Comment": "I believe EURUSD will go up within the next few years!",
      "ExpiryDate": "2016-09-30T12:00:00Z",
      "IsRecurring": true,
      "Operator": "GreaterOrEqual",
      "PriceVariable": "AskTick",
      "State": "Enabled",
      "TargetValue": 1.34595,
      "Uic": 21