Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $skiptoken String Query-String Specifies an entity id to start retrieving entries from. This is normally only used in generated nextlinks.
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey Query-String account group key for accounts used in retrieving the trade data. If specified, activities of the specified account will be returned/published otherwise activities of all accounts represented by ClientKey.
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String Unique key identifying the account used in retrieving the trade data. If specified, activities of the specified account will be returned/published otherwise activities of all accounts represented by ClientKey.
    Activities ActivityType [] Query-String Specification of activity types to return in results.
    CANotificationTypes CANotificationType [] Query-String Corporate action notification type to get the response for.
    ClientKey ClientKey Query-String Unique key identifying the client. If specified, activities of the specified client will be returned/published otherwise for logged in client.
    CorporateActionEventTypes CorporateActionEventType [] Query-String Corporate Action Event type
    CorporateActionTypes CorporateActionType [] Query-String Specify corporate action category, if any.
    Duration OpenOrderDuration Query-String The order duration type.
    ExpirationDateTime UtcDateTime Query-String The expiration date should only be set if the duration type is GoodTillDate.
    FieldGroups ActivityFieldGroup [] Query-String Specification of field groups to return in results.
    FromDateTime UtcDateTime Query-String If specified, activities starting FromDateTime will be returned/published. Default returns current day activities
    IncludeSubAccounts Boolean Query-String If specified true, activities of sub-clients will also be returned/published.
    OrderStatuses OrderStatus [] Query-String List of order statuses.
    OrderTypes PlaceableOrderType [] Query-String List of order types.
    PositionEventFilter PositionEventFilter Query-String Specify position event filter if any. Default is PositionEventFilter.All.
    SequenceId String Query-String If specified and message with SequenceId available in ENS cache, streaming of events start from SequenceId. If sequenceId not found in ENS system, Subscription Error with "Sequence id unavailable" If not specified and FromDateTime is not specified, subscription will be real-time subscription.
    SourceOrderId String Query-String OrderId filter for activity types Orders and Positions.
    TimeOnMargin String Query-String Time the client has been on margin. If specified, margin activities with greater or equal to the time specified otherwise all activities.
    ToDateTime UtcDateTime Query-String If specified, activities ending ToDateTime will be returned/published.
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data ActivityResponse [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /ens/v1/activities?$skiptoken=B17D8890-3C7A-4A47-A9AA-01B022ED03A5&$top=1&AccountGroupKey=stringValue&AccountKey=01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86&Activities=Orders&CANotificationTypes=Update&ClientKey=493b43a5-fe85-4d1f-9071-dd4a9d4e42a4&CorporateActionEventTypes=NonDividend&CorporateActionTypes=Mandatory&Duration=DayOrder&ExpirationDateTime=2021-05-21&FieldGroups=ExchangeInfo&FromDateTime=2021-05-21&IncludeSubAccounts=True&OrderStatuses=Changed&OrderTypes=Limit&PositionEventFilter=TradesOnly&SequenceId=stringValue&SourceOrderId=stringValue&TimeOnMargin=00:00:00.0000115&ToDateTime=2021-05-21
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "Data": []