
Base class for any side of an option: Put/Call for ETOs or Put/Call for Vanilla FXO

  • Name Type Description
    Ask Number Ask price
    AskSize Number Ask size Only returned for ETOs
    Bid Number Bid price
    BidSize Number Bid size Only returned for ETOs
    Close Number Close price Only returned for ETOs
    ContractId Integer Contract ID Only returned for Fx Vanilla and Fx Binary Options
    DeltaPct Number The delta% Only returned for Fx Vanilla and Fx Binary Options
    Greeks ContractOptionsGreeks Greeks and volatility data, for the ETOs that support them
    High Number High price. Only returned for ETOs
    LastClose Number Last close price Only returned for ETOs
    LastTraded Number Last traded price Only returned for ETOs
    Low Number Low price Only returned for ETOs
    Net Number The Net amount Only returned for Fx Vanilla and Fx Binary Options
    NetChange Number The Net change Only returned for ETOs
    Open Number Open price Only returned for ETOs
    OpenInterest Number Open Interest Only returned for ETOs
    PriceTypeAsk PriceType Ask price type
    PriceTypeBid PriceType Bid price type
    Uic Integer The UIC of the option represented by this side
    Volume Number Trading volume Only returned for ETOs