
Base class for expiries of any type

  • Name Type Description
    DisplayDate Date Display Date for the Expiry
    DisplayDaysToExpiry Integer The "days to expiry" value to be displayed
    Expiry UtcDateTime The expiry date
    Index Integer The expiry index
    LastTradeDate UtcDateTime The last trade date
    MidStrikePrice Number The "Mid Strike price" i.e. the Last Traded price for the underlying future
    RootIdentifier Integer Instrument identifier of the root instrument for the expiry
    StrikeCount Integer Number of strikes in the Strikes property
    Strikes StrikeData [] The list of strikes All strikes for the current expiry are returned (in the initial response), but will only contain price-data for the specified expiries & options
    StrikeWindowStartIndex Integer Index of the first strike that has values (sides)
    UnderlyingUic Integer Uic of the underlying instrument. This is returned for all expiries - even if strikes are not requested for them.