The possible AssetTypes for which you can get a quote or place an order or a trade.
Name Description Bond Bond. Cash Cash. Not tradeable! CBBCCategoryN Callable Bull/Bear Contract Category N. Call price or level is equal to its strike price or level, under which you will not receive any cash payment after the occurrence of a mandatory call event, and will lose your entire investment. CBBCCategoryR Callable Bull/Bear Contract Category R. Call price or level is different from its strike price or level, and you may receive a residual cash payment (called "residual value") upon the occurrence of a mandatory call event. However, in the worst case, you will not receive any residual value and will lose your entire investment. CertificateBarrierDiscount A Discount Certificate with Barrier allows investors with moderate to high risk tolerance to buy a selected underlying asset at a discount. The more favorable entry price gives a yield advantage, so that an attractive return is possible even in a sideways market. CertificateBarrierReverseConvertibles With Barrier Reverse Convertibles investors with a moderate-to-high risk tolerance in sideways moving markets can optimize their opportunities to earn yields thanks to a coupon. As in the Reverse Convertibles, the coupon is always paid out. The type and amount of the repayment of the nominal amount on expiry is aligned to the price of the underlying asset (e.g. individual equity, share index, equity basket, currency pair or commodity). CertificateBonus Mirrors the price movement of the underlying only if and when the underlying price exceeds the defined barrier. If the certificate expires below the barrier, it offers partial protection/return of investment. CertificateCapitalProtectionWithCoupon Capital protection certificates with coupon, also known as Coupon CPNs, are capital protected at maturity. This means that at the end of the usually multi-year term, you will always receive at least 90% of the nominal amount back. Depending on the features, the capital protection is usually between 90% and 100% of the nominal value. CertificateCapitalProtectionWithKnockOut Capital Protection Certificates with Barrier, also known as Barrier CPNs or Dolphin CPNs, are capital protected at maturity. The capital protection usually amounts to 90 - 100 percent of the nominal value, so that at maturity you will be paid back at least 90% of the capital invested at issue - regardless of the underlying asset. CertificateCappedBonus Certificate Capped Bonus. CertificateCappedCapitalProtected Guarantees a capped percentage increase of the underlying asset's value above the issue price at expiry/maturity. Max loss is the amount invested multiplied by the CapitalProtection percentage. CertificateCappedOutperformance Capped Outperformance Certificate. CertificateConstantLeverage Certificate Constant Leverage. CertificateDiscount Yields a capped return if the underlying asset's value is above the specified cap level at expiry. If the underlying's value is below the strike at expiry, the investor received the underlying or equivalent value. Offers direct exposure in underlying at a lower price (discount) with a capped potential profit and limited loss. CertificateExpress Certificate Express kick out. CertificateOtherCapitalProtection Capital protection products are the most defensive form of Investment Products and are therefore suitable for investors with a low to moderate risk tolerance. CertificateOtherConstantLeverage Constant Leverage Certificates, aka Factor Certificates, enable investors who are willing to take risks to participate disproportionately in the price performance of an underlying asset (e.g. equities, indices, commodities or currency pairs) CertificateOtherParticipation Participation products are covered by Tracker Certificates. These Certificates are suitable for investors with a medium to high risk preference who want to participate cost efficiently and unlimitedly in the price development of a single stock, a market or a market segment. CertificateOtherYieldEnhancement Investment Products aimed at optimizing yields offer partial protection. This can provide attractive returns even when the price of the respective underlying asset just remains stationary up to maturity. CertificateOutperformanceBonus With Bonus-Outperformance Certificates, you can apply leverage, since Bonus-Outperformance Certificates offer you the chance to participate disproportionately and without restriction in rising prices of the underlying asset (e.g. an equity, an index or a currency pair). This means that as of a predefined price level (the so-called strike level) participation in a potentially rising price performance is higher than 100%. The exact performance rate varies depending on the product features and is fixed per issue. CertificateReverseConvertibles With Reverse Convertibles investors with a moderate-to-high risk tolerance in sideways moving markets can optimize their opportunities to earn yields thanks to a coupon. While the coupon is always paid out, the type and amount of the repayment of the nominal amount on expiration is aligned to the price of the underlying asset (e.g. individual equity, share index, equity basket, currency pair or commodity). CertificateTracker A certificate that mirrors the price movement of the underlying instrument. Often used to trade movements in indicies. Movements can be a fixed ratio of the underlying and can be inverted for bearish/short speculation. Risk is equivalent to owning the underlying. CertificateTwinWin With Twin-Win Certificates, you can pull off a remarkable balancing act on the markets, i.e. whether the underlying asset (e.g. equity or index) rises or falls, you can profit in both cases. In doing so, you participate 1:1 in price gains of the underlying asset over and above the strike price without restriction (taking into account the subscription ratio). Price losses below the strike price are, on the other hand, converted accordingly on the due date if the price of the underlying asset has never fallen to or below a specific barrier (Knock-Out Level) during the term. However, after a barrier has been broken the conversion of prices losses of the underlying asset into gains ceases to apply. Instead, in this case Twin-Win Certificates behave like conventional Tracker Certificates, so that price losses of the underlying asset (under the strike price) lead to corresponding losses in the certificate. CertificateUncappedCapitalProtection Guarantees a percentage increase of the underlying asset's value above the issue price at expiry/maturity. Max loss is the amount invested multiplied by the CapitalProtection percentage. CertificateUncappedOutperformance Provides leveraged returns when the underlying price exceeds the threshold strike price. The amount leverage is defined by the Participation %. When the underlying is below the strike price, the certificate mirrors the underlying price 1:1. CfdIndexOption Cfd Index Option. CfdOnCompanyWarrant Cfd on unlisted warrant issued by a corporation. CfdOnEtc Cfd on Etc CfdOnEtf Cfd on Etf CfdOnEtn Cfd on Etn CfdOnFund Cfd on Fund CfdOnFutures Cfd on Futures. CfdOnIndex Cfd on Stock Index. CfdOnRights Cfd on Rights CfdOnStock Cfd on Stock. CompanyWarrant Unlisted warrant issued by a corporation, often physically settled. ContractFutures Contract Futures. Etc Etc Etf Exchange traded fund. Etn Etn Fund Fund FuturesOption Futures Option. FuturesStrategy Futures Strategy. FxBinaryOption Forex Binary Option. FxCrypto Forex Crypto Currency. FxForwards Forex Forward. FxKnockInOption Forex Knock In Option. FxKnockOutOption Forex Knock Out Option. FxNoTouchOption Forex No Touch Option. FxOneTouchOption Forex One Touch Option. FxSpot Forex Spot. FxSwap Forex Swap. FxVanillaOption Forex Vanilla Option. GuaranteeNote Danish investment scheme (“Grantbevis”). Not online tradeable. InlineWarrant Inline Warrants. Holders receive a pre-determined amount that depends on whether an underlying asset falls at, or within or outside the upper and lower strikes at expiry. IpoOnStock IPO on Stock ManagedFund Obsolete : Managed Fund. MiniFuture MiniFuture. MutualFund Mutual Fund. PortfolioNote Danish pooled investment scheme (“Pulje”). Not online tradeable. Rights Rights SrdOnEtf SRD. (Service de Règlement Différé) on Etf. SrdOnStock SRD. (Service de Règlement Différé) on Stock. Stock Stock. StockIndex Stock Index. StockIndexOption Stock Index Option. StockOption Stock Option. SubscriptionOnCertificate Used for IPO/Subscription. Warrant Warrant WarrantDoubleKnockOut Warrant with two knock-out barriers. WarrantKnockOut Warrant with a knock-out barrier. WarrantOpenEndKnockOut Knock-out Warrant with no expiry. WarrantOtherLeverageWithKnockOut In the case of Warrants with Knock-Out, aka Turbos, the name says it all. With these investment instruments, investors who are willing to take risks can shift into turbo and considerably increase their yield potential. WarrantOtherLeverageWithoutKnockOut Warrants allow investors who are willing to take risks can choose between Call and Put Warrants. Call Warrants benefit from rising prices of the underlying asset whereas. Put Warrants rely on falling prices of the underlying asset. WarrantSpread Warrant with built-in spread.