
The different states an instrument session can have

  • Name Description
    Auction Participants place orders to buy or sell units at certain buying or selling prices. Orders collected during an auction are matched to form a contract
    AutomatedTrading Normal trading
    Break Break in instrument opening hours
    CallAuctionTrading Participants place orders to buy or sell units at certain buying or selling prices. Orders collected during an auction are matched to form a contract
    Closed Closed for trading
    Halt Trading is halted for an instrument
    OpeningAuction Opening auction exchange state
    PitTrading Transactions are conducted in trading pits on the floor of the Exchange
    PostAutomatedTrading Legacy trade state. It will be decommissioned and should not be used
    PostMarket Extended trading session after the regular trading session. Specify the orders ExecuteAtTradingSession field to trade in this session
    PostTrading The exchange is accepting orders which will be traded in the OpeningAuction or AutomatedTrading session of the following day
    PreAutomatedTrading Legacy trade state. It will be decommissioned and should not be used
    PreMarket Extended trading session before the regular trading session. Specify the orders ExecuteAtTradingSession field to trade in this session
    Suspended Trading is suspended for an instrument
    TradingAtLast Orders collected at last price in absence of closing auction price
    Undefined The state of the Exchange is unknown