

  • Name Description
    AdditionalBusinessProcess The issuer only allows a single option to be selected per designated holding
    BidRange Specifies the type of acceptable bid range values.
    CertificationBreakdown Certification breakdown type indicator
    Change Bearer to Registered: Change from bearer into registered form. Certificates: Change of all instruments into certificates. Decimalisation: Process of changing the accounting method of a security, for example, mutual fund, from units to a quantity with decimals. Dematerialised to Physical: Change from dematerialised into physical form. Global Permanent to Physical: Change from global permanent to physical form. Global Temporary to Global Permanent: Change from global temporary to global permanent form. Global Temporary to Physical: Change from global temporary to physical form. NAME: Change of the issuing company's name. Event shows the change from old name to new name and may involve surrendering physical shares with the old name to the registrar. Physical to Dematerialised: Change from physical into dematerialised form. Registered to Bearer: Change from registered into bearer form. Terms: Change in the terms of the security
    Consent Change in Terms: This is a change in the terms and conditions of the bond. Due and Payable: This is a change in the due and payable conditions
    Dividend Payment of a dividend, less the amounts already paid through interim dividends
    Offer Dissenter's Rights: Securities' holder has the right to disagree with a mandatory event. This right is not inherent in all offers and therefore must be noted in announcements only when applicable. Restriction Exchange: Exchange of Restricted to Unrestricted(or vice versa). First Come First Served: Securities will be accepted in the order they have been submitted until the target number of quantity sought is reached. Final Offer: Final or last offer to holders subject to offer conditions being reached, for example, 50% accepted on a tender. Partial Offer: Partial offer . Squeeze Out Bid: Offer launched by a company, in possession of a large number of the shares (90% - 95%) of a company(generally as a result of a tender offer), in order to acquire the remaining shares of that company
    RenounceableStatusofEntitlement Non Renounceable: Intermediate securities cannot be sold. Renounceable: Intermediate securities can be sold
    Sequence FINAL: This is the final event in a series of successive events. INTERIM: This is an interim event in a series of successive events