
Event details

  • Name Type Description
    AffectedAccounts Integer Number of accounts on which corresponding event is applicable. Available when IncludeSubAccounts is set to true in the request.
    AnnouncedDate Date Date at which the issuer announced that a corporate action event will occur.
    AssetType AssetType Asset type
    BidIntervalRate PriceAndRate Acceptable price increment used for submitting a bid
    ClaimPeriod DatePeriod Claim period
    CorporateActionType CorporateActionType Corporate action type
    DisplayAndFormat InstrumentDisplayAndFormat Instrument additional properties
    Effective DateAndStatus Date at which an event is officially effective from the issuer's perspective
    Electable Electable Indicates whether this event is electable
    ElectionStatus ElectionStatus Election status
    EligibleHoldings Number Total holding amount, across accounts, eligible for corresponding event. Available when IncludeSubAccounts is set to true in the request.
    EventId String Corporate action event Id
    EventIndicators IndicatorDetail [] Event indicators
    EventState EventState Current state of the event
    EventStatus EventStatus Event status
    EventType CodeDescription Type of event
    Ex DateAndStatus Execution date of event
    FirstBidIncrementPrice PriceAndRate First bid increment price
    Holdings Holding [] Client holdings on an event Available when IncludeSubAccounts is set to false in the request.
    InformationToComply InformationToComply Indicates whether restrictions apply to the event
    InterestPeriod DatePeriod Period during which the interest rate has been applied
    LastBidIncrementPrice PriceAndRate Last bid increment price
    MaxPrice PriceAndRate Maximum or cap price at which a holder can bid, for example on a Dutch auction offer
    MaxQuantitySought Number Maximum quantity sought
    MinPrice PriceAndRate Minimum or floor price at which a holder can bid, for example on a Dutch auction offer
    MinQuantitySought Number Minimum quantity sought
    Narrative String Event narrative
    NewBoardLotQuantity Number Quantity of equity that makes up the new board lot
    NewDenominationQuantity Number New Denomination of the equity following, for example, an increase or decrease in nominal value
    NumberofDaysAccrued Integer Number of days used for calculating the accrued interest amount
    Options EventOption [] Event options
    Record DateAndStatus Record date of event
    StrikePrice PriceAndRate Strike price
    TradingSuspended DateAndStatus Date at which trading of a security is suspended as the result of an event
    Uic Integer Instrument uic
    UpdatedDateTime UtcDateTime Date and time when this event was last updated.