
PeriodicPaymentWithdrawal, Response for the Periodic Payments

  • Name Type Description
    AccountCurrency String Gets or sets the account currency.
    AccountId String Account of the Client
    AccountKey AccountKey Account Key of the Client
    Amount Number Periodic Payment Withdrawal Amount
    AmountInAccountCurrency Number Gets or sets the amount in account currency.
    ClientId Integer Unique Id of the Client
    ClientKey ClientKey Unique Key of the Client
    ClientName String Name of the Client
    CreatedDate String Date time when the Payment Schedules were created
    Currency String Currency of the Withdrawal
    EndByDate String
    ExternalAccountId String External Benificiary Account
    Frequency Frequency Frequency of the Withdrawal
    FxRate Number Gets or sets the FxRate.
    MessageToBeneficiary String This maps to Sender to Receiver field in MT messages
    NextPaymentDate String Next Scheduled Periodic Payment
    PeriodicPaymentId Integer
    StartDate String