
An investment suggestion represents a potential investment in a tradeleader.

  • Name Type Description
    AutoTradingPartnerLeaderId String Unique Identifier for Partner Leader Combination
    ClientId ClientId The Client Identifier
    Currency String Account currency
    IsAuthorizedToFollow Boolean Reflects legal aspects of client (suitability and terms/conditions)
    IsFollowAllowed Boolean Indicates whether user is allowed to follow current leaders instrument types and instruments. Also evaluates if follower passes any applied country filter or client group restrictions on leader. And verifies leader is enabled for any of followers owner(s).
    IsFollowing Boolean Indicates if this is actively following.
    IsOpenForFollowers Boolean Expresses if follower amount has exceeded limit.
    IsReadyForTrading Boolean Indictes if this is ready for trading.
    IsTradeFollowerReady Boolean Indicates Trade Follower created, active and passed suitability test
    MinimumFunding Number The minimum funding amount.
    StrategyName String Name of the strategy.
    TradeLeaderId String identifier.